This is a test. This is only a test...
You know that feeling of excitement you sometimes get when faced with the unknown? You might have felt this feeling just prior to cracking a book you've finally gotten, or after the previews have finally ended to the movie you've been waiting to see. Surely it is not unlike what early settlers may have felt when looking westward.
Well, that's the feeling I have, on starting this web log.
I have been inspired after learning that the blogosphere helped to really shed a critical light on a Dan Rather report aired on "60 Minutes II" on Wednesday, 8 September 2004. Four documents purported to relate to President Bush's National Guard service were analyzed and subsequently discredited, though as of now CBS stills stands by the story. Blogs such as Power Line, Little Green Footballs, and Freerepublic helped to thrust this fabrication in to the national spotlight, and I wanted to be on that train.
Thank you for visiting.
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Have you been reading the editorial section of the NY Post?
no, i have not been reading it, unless something out of the ordinary comes up.
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