CBS released a
statement yesterday evening, and paid proper lip service to the documents they showed last week, in regards to the authenticity of four memos that attempt to vilify President Bush's National Guard service. The network says they will keep an "
open mind" about the situation.
Like the
open-mindedness Mr. Rather had when charges from the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth arose?
link, from WND, states that the documents have been traced to a Kinko's in Abilene, Texas, and only 21 miles from the home of Bill Burkett, partisan democrat, who has recently been
saying he pulled some strings and got Bush in to the National Guard.
Doubts about his statements concerning President Bush have been raised on this former
disgruntled military man as far back as February.
In the WND story, it is also apparent that Rather has started to distance himself, yet CBS News President Andrew Heyward was still defending the documents as "
accurate" as late as last night.
That is such a cop-out! I want CBS to explain in terms of
authenticity, and then we can talk about accuracy. If someone forged a Da Vinci painting, it could be accurate, yet it wouldn't be authentic... See? Duh.